the story of Cinderella and the glass slipper princess from Disney

In a kingdom, there lived a girl with a stepmother and step-siblings. These girls are very beautiful and kind. While both the mother and her stepsister is evil. They employ this girl in her own home. Every day these girls have to do all the house work. His stepmother is always snapped. While both his half brother always teased and called her Cinderella, which means dirty and full of dust. According to his half siblings, it is a fitting name for this.

On a day when the royal guards who spread the party invitation letter from the palace. Second half sister Cinderella is very happy, "This is fun ... we'll go and dress up as pretty-pretty. If the Prince chose to be his queen, the mother will definitely excited. ". Cinderella's stepmother was also very pleased and said to the girls, "You have to dress up as pretty-pretty. You have to draw the attention of the Prince to fall in love with you.

Wait days to arrive. The second half sister Cinderella started up happily. They daub rouge and lips everywhere. They wore beautiful dresses that have been prepared in advance, mematut-matut themselves in front of a mirror, spinning and laughing happily. Their mother was not to be outdone. He helped fix their clothes are still lacking, adding a face blush on the cheeks of her two children, hoping Prince would choose one of her children.

Cinderella look them dress up and felt very sad. He wanted to join their party, but both mother and his stepbrother did not allow him to join the party. "Clothes you do not have any, what would go to a party with a dress like-it?", Says brother Cinderella.

After all went to a party, Cinderella returned to his room. He cried bloody murder because his heart was very upset. "I can not go to the palace with dirty clothes like this, but I want to go". Cinderella cries lamenting his fate. She cried and remembered his father, "I wish Dad was still there, I definitely would had bought a beautiful dress to go to the palace".

Suddenly a fairy appeared in front of Cinderella. "Cinderella, stop crying. You're a good boy, Cinderella. You should not be sad and cry. Smile. Your face will be more beautiful when you smile, "said the fat fairy blue shirt. Cinderella still sobbing while kneeling on the floor, "How can I smile, O Elves. I want to come to the party with my sisters, but they would not let me come to the party because I do not have the proper clothes ". Fairy with a very friendly smile, "Cinderella, take four rats and two-tailed lizard". Cinderella fairy feel confused by the request, but he still did it. Cinderella collect rats and lizards in his home.

After everything compiled Cinderella, fairy brings the mice and lizards to the pumpkin patch in the backyard. "Voila!" Fairy shouted, spreading magic of magic wand. There followed a miracle. The rats turned into four horses, as well as lizards turn into two sais. A large pumpkin in the garden, transformed into a golden carriage. The latter, Cinderella turned into a beautiful princess, with a very beautiful dress and a pair of the glass slipper.

Because excited, Cinderella began to dance around in circles with glass slippers like a butterfly. Peri said, "Cinderella, the magic effect will disappear after twelve o'clock bell stops. Therefore, go home before midnight ". "Yes Elves. I'll be home before twelve o'clock at night. Thank you, Pixie, "said Cinderella. Golden chariot departed immediately bring Cinderella to the palace.

After arriving at the palace, Cinderella straight into the palace hall. Once inside, the views of all who were present were on Cinderella. They were amazed by the beauty of Cinderella. "The beauty princess was. Daughter of the state where ya? "Murmured the crowd. Finally the Prince came over Cinderella. "Beautiful daughter, would Daughter dance with me?" Pleaded the Prince as he kissed the hand of Cinderella. "Well, Prince," replied Cinderella, nodding. They both danced, danced round and round in music, under the eyes all the guests in attendance. Cinderella's mother and two sisters who were there felt jealous of the beautiful princess and they did not think that it is a beautiful princess Cinderella.

Prince danced with Cinderella. "So far, I crave women like Princess," said the Prince. Because happy, Cinderella will forget time. The clock starts chiming 12 times. Cinderella was very surprised, "Sorry Prince, I have to go home". Cinderella withdraw her hand from the prince and immediately ran out of the palace. In the middle of the road, next to the shoe apart, but Cinderella did not pay attention, he kept running. Cinderella Prince chase, but he lost track of Cinderella. In the middle of the stairs, there is a the glass slipper belongs to Cinderella. Prince took the shoe. "I'll find you," he said in a determined heart. Although Cinderella back into a girl who is full of dust, he is very happy to be going to a party

The next day, the prince sent guards came to the houses that have girls. The whole house throughout the country attended the shoes to match the glass with their feet, but nothing matched. Until finally the guards arrived at Cinderella's house. "We are looking for the girl whose foot fits the the glass slipper," said the guard. Two sisters Cinderella tries the shoe. Sister first tried these shoes, but her feet are too big. He imposes his legs went in and was so happy when her legs to get into the glass slipper. However, when the first brother goes, he moaned in pain because his legs are too big forced to go into the little the glass slipper. His leg was sore everywhere. Then the first brother took off his shoes and told her sister tried glass. Foot sister was too big for the the glass slipper. He gave up trying because of the pain.

At that time, the guards saw Cinderella, "Hey you, try these shoes!" He said. Cinderella's stepmother becomes angry, "It will not fit with this child!" But the guards kept telling Cinderella to try these shoes. Then Cinderella stretched his legs. It turns out that these shoes are very suitable. Very fit and look cute at the foot of Cinderella. "Ah! It's your daughter, "cried the excited bodyguards. Both mother and half sister of Cinderella very angry and jealous of Cinderella, but they can not do anything about it.

"Cinderella, free," Cinderella fairy looked back and was standing behind him. "From now live happily with the Prince. Voila! "He said. So read fairy spell, Cinderella turned into a princess wearing a wedding dress. "The effect of this magic will not be lost even if the clock struck twelve," said the fairy. Cinderella escorted by rats and birds that have become his friend. Arriving at the palace, the Prince greeted him, smiling happily. Finally Cinderella married the Prince.

And they live happily ever after…

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