snow princess and dwarf story from Disney

beautiful snow princess stories and dwarf

Once upon a time , there lived a queen in a kingdom . The Queen is the most beautiful woman in the whole country and is very proud of her beauty . Queen has a magic mirror that can answer any questions . Every morning , the Queen stood in front of the Magic Mirror Magic Mirror and asked , "O Magic Mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful woman in this country ? " . Each day also will answer the Magic Mirror , " My queen is the most beautiful in the country " .

One day , in mid- winter , when snow is falling like feathers from the sky , a queen sat at a window framed by a black wood frame . As she sewed , she looked up at the snow until he accidentally pricked her finger sewing . Three drops of blood fell from the Queen of the injured finger . The blood fell on the snow , red on white , looks so pretty . See it , the Queen then think , " If only I had a child with skin as white as snow , lips as red as blood , and hair as black as the window frame " . Shortly thereafter , the Queen also has a child with skin as white as snow , lips as red as blood , and hair black as the window frame . He was called , Snow White .

Time passed and the Snow White grows into a teenage girl. Her beauty is beyond beauty queen. One day, the queen again asked the Magic Mirror, "O Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in this country?". When the Magic Mirror replied, "My queen is the most beautiful in the country, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than my queen". Since then, queen becomes hate to Snow White. The queen was unrivaled by Snow White's beauty. The queen thought to get rid of Snow White that he will again be the most beautiful woman in this country.

Queen summoned the hunters and told him to take Snow White into the woods. The hunter was ordered to stab Snow White to death, and carry the lungs and liver of Snow White back to the Queen. Queen wants to cook the lungs and liver Snow White with salt and eat it, to vent his hatred of Snow White.

Hunters also took Snow White into the woods. When hunters take a hunting knife to stab Snow White, Snow White began to cry, and begged earnestly to be the hunter does not kill. Snow promised to escape into the woods and never come back. Hunters feel sorry for him, and he thought to release Snow White. If Snow White ran into the forest, Snow White will then be eaten by wild animals. Then the hunter was releasing Snow White and told him to run into the woods.

To meet the demand of the Queen in order to bring the lungs and liver of Snow White, the huntsman had killed a wild pig. The lungs and liver were taken by a wild boar hunter and brought back to the Queen, as evidence that the hunters have killed Snow White. Queen also cook them with salt and eat it, thinking that he had eaten the lung and liver of Snow White.

Snow White is now alone in the great forest . She was very scared and started to run . She ran over sharp stones and twigs all day . Finally , as the sun was about to set , he came to a small house . The house belonged to seven dwarfs . They were working in the mine and at that time was not at home . Snow also go inside and find everything is smaller , but well-organized and orderly . There was a small table with seven little plates , seven little spoons , seven little knives and forks , seven little mugs , and on the wall there were seven little beds .

Snow White was hungry and thirsty , so he decided to take a few vegetables and bread from each plate and drank a drop of wine from each cup . Because it is so tired , he was sleeping in one bed . When evening came , the seven dwarfs returned from work . They lit their seven little candles , and saw that someone had been in their home . The first dwarf said , "Who has been sitting in my chair ? " . The second dwarf said , " Who has been eating from my plate ? " . The third dwarf said , " Who has been eating my bread ? " . The fourth dwarf said , " Who has been eating sayuranku ? " . The fifth dwarf said , "Who ate using my fork ? " . Sixth dwarf said , "Who has been cutting with my knife ? " . The seventh dwarf said , "Who has been drinking out of my cup ? ​​" .

They were surprised and curious , who are the people who have entered into their houses . Then they found Snow was sleeping in one of their beds . The seventh dwarf was running around Snow White and exclaimed in amazement , " She's so pretty " . They are very fond of Snow White and let him sleep in their bed .

When Snow White woke up , they asked her who she was and how she had found their way into the house . Snow White tells the story of how his mother had tried to kill her , how the huntsman spared her life , how she had run the entire day , until finally coming into their homes . The dwarves felt pity and allow Snow White to stay in their homes with the condition to be Snow White washing clothes , cleaning the house , cooking , and washing for them . In addition , they also warned Snow White not to let anyone get into their homes .

Meanwhile in the palace , the Queen thinks that he's back to being the most beautiful woman in the whole country . Queen was again asked the Magic Mirror , "O Magic Mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful woman in this country ? " . Magic Mirror replied , " My queen is the most beautiful in the country, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than my queen " . Queen was shocked and knew that the huntsman had deceived her . He was soon looking for Snow White and would kill himself , because the Queen will not be quiet until the Magic Mirror said that the Queen is the most beautiful woman in the whole country , not Snow White

The queen had to think hard to kill Snow White . He was disguised as an old woman wore makeup and clothing sellers such that no one recognizes her . Queen went to the house and knocked on the door dwarf , " Open . Open up . I'm an old lady clothing seller " . Snow White does not allow the old woman entered , in accordance with the message of the dwarves . Snow just peek out the window and asked , " What do you have? " . " The corset laces , kid , " said the old woman and showed a corset laces are woven from silk yellow , red , and blue . Snow White loved it and bought it for her corset . When he put the corset , the old woman offered to help him , " You do not set it up properly , come here , I 'll do it better , " and the old woman with a corset pulling the rope so tight that Snow White could not breathe . Snow was falling and as if he were dead . The old woman was satisfied and returned to his palace .

Night came and the seven dwarfs returned from the mine . They found Snow White lying . They picked it up and found out that Snow White lacing corset too tightly . The seven dwarves also cut the rope girdle so that Snow White can breathe again . " Surely it is the queen who tried to kill you . Be careful . Do not let other people get in again , " said the seven dwarves .

Meanwhile in castle, the Queen thinks that he's back to being the most beautiful woman in the whole country. Queen was again asked the Magic Mirror, "O Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in this country?". Magic Mirror replied, "My queen is the most beautiful in the country, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than my queen". Queen again surprised. He was preparing a new plan to kill Snow White. Queen also made ​​a poisoned comb.

Queen returned disguised as a salesman comb and knocked seven dwarfs. Snow will not let him enter. The Queen issued a comb and comb the seller said that he was. Snow also opened the door and buy a comb. "Come, let me comb your hair," said the peddler woman. He had just put a comb into Snow White's hair, making her fall and die. "It will make you lying there," said the Queen.

The dwarves come home on time. They saw what happened and pulled the poisoned comb the hair of Snow White. Snow White opened her eyes and came back to life. He promised kurcacil not let anyone into the house of seven dwarfs.

Meanwhile in castle, the Queen thinks that he's back to being the most beautiful woman in the whole country. Queen was again asked the Magic Mirror, "O Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in this country?". Magic Mirror replied, "My queen is the most beautiful in the country, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than my queen". Queen was very angry, "Snow White will die, even if the payoff is my life!"

Queen went into his secret room and makes a poisoned apple . The next day he was disguised as an old woman selling apples . The old woman offering an apple to Snow White . Snow rejected . " If you do not want to , I can not force you , " the old woman said , " If you are afraid , then I will cut the apple in half and eat half . Here, you eat half the reddish " . Apple was created so artfully and only half are toxic . When Snow saw that the old woman ate half of the apple, the stronger the desire to taste , so he finally let the old woman's hand gives the other half of the apple through the window . Snow White biting the apple , not until they run Snow had fallen to the ground and die .

Queen very happy . He returned to the palace and asked the Magic Mirror , "O Magic Mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful woman in this country ? " . Magic Mirror replied , " My queen is the most beautiful in the country " . Queen happy because now he's back to being the most beautiful woman in the country .

That night the dwarves came home from the mine. Snow lying on the floor, and he's dead. They can not turn back. They laid him on a stretcher and the seven dwarves sitting beside him, crying for three days. They will bury him, but they saw that he was still fresh. He does not look like a dead person, and she still has a beautiful red cheeks. They make a glass coffin for Snow White, Snow White and put in it, so he could be seen easily. They write the names of Snow White on a crate in gold letters, and one of them always stay at home and keep an eye on.

One day a young prince came to the house dwarf and want a place to sleep . When he went into their living room , she saw Snow White lying in a glass coffin , so pretty lit by seven little candles . Prince asked them to give him , because he can not live without being able to see it . The seven dwarfs took pity on the prince and give the glass coffin containing the Snow Prince .

The prince was brought to istanaya coffin and placed in a room where he was sitting next to him every day . Every time he goes , Glass Container Snow also brought with him . Nobleman who always brought to the Prince . One day they were very angry about this , because they have to bring any glass coffin to the Prince go . One of them opened the glass coffin , lifted Snow-White upright , and said , " We are disturbed during the day , just because a girl is dead , " and he hit the back of Snow White by hand . Then the terrible piece of apple out of the mouth of Snow White and Snow White back to life . The end of this story is the marriage between the Prince and Snow White .

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