perbedaan ''There is dengan'' There are'' dalam Grammer

perbedaan ''There is dengan'' There are dalam Grammer

There is artinya ada. there is digunakan untuk singular. sementara untuk plural di gunakan there are.
Note: There is digunkan untuk tunggal sedangkan There are digunakan untuk jamak.Contoh:  there is a car black in front of my home.              

there are cars in the parking.

 a. Kalimat Positif

There is/ There are + Nounexample: There is a man on the roof            

  There are seven days in a week

b. Kalimat Negatif

There is Not/ There are Not + Noun

example: There is not a man on the roof              

There are not eight days in a week

There is not = there isn'tThere are    = There aren't

c. Kalimat Interrogative

Is there a man on the roof? yes, there is or no, there is notare there seven days in a week? yes, there are no, there are not

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