perbedaan ''There is dengan'' There are dalam Grammer

There is artinya ada. there is digunakan untuk singular. sementara untuk plural di gunakan there are.
Note: There is digunkan untuk tunggal sedangkan There are digunakan untuk jamak.Contoh: there is a car black in front of my home.
there are cars in the parking.
a. Kalimat Positif
There is/ There are + Nounexample: There is a man on the roof
There are seven days in a week
b. Kalimat Negatif
There is Not/ There are Not + Noun
example: There is not a man on the roof
There are not eight days in a week
There is not = there isn'tThere are = There aren't
c. Kalimat Interrogative
Is there a man on the roof? yes, there is or no, there is notare there seven days in a week? yes, there are no, there are not

There is artinya ada. there is digunakan untuk singular. sementara untuk plural di gunakan there are.
Note: There is digunkan untuk tunggal sedangkan There are digunakan untuk jamak.Contoh: there is a car black in front of my home.
there are cars in the parking.
a. Kalimat Positif
There is/ There are + Nounexample: There is a man on the roof
There are seven days in a week
b. Kalimat Negatif
There is Not/ There are Not + Noun
example: There is not a man on the roof
There are not eight days in a week
There is not = there isn'tThere are = There aren't
c. Kalimat Interrogative
Is there a man on the roof? yes, there is or no, there is notare there seven days in a week? yes, there are no, there are not
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