How occurrence of cloud?- knowledge test - IQ Tes
How occurrence of cloud?
Hot from the sun will cause sea water, rivers and lakes evaporate. The warm water vapor will move up above, and when the steam rises, the water vapor starts to cool down. As a result, the water vapor condenses to form again began to water droplets. Collection of water droplets in the sky that we know as clouds. Water droplets that grew bigger will eventually fall back to earth as rain. Sometimes, the air temperature is too cold to make the water droplets freeze to form ice and fall back to earth as snow
How occurrence of cloud?
Hot from the sun will cause sea water, rivers and lakes evaporate. The warm water vapor will move up above, and when the steam rises, the water vapor starts to cool down. As a result, the water vapor condenses to form again began to water droplets. Collection of water droplets in the sky that we know as clouds. Water droplets that grew bigger will eventually fall back to earth as rain. Sometimes, the air temperature is too cold to make the water droplets freeze to form ice and fall back to earth as snow
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